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My schooling so far:
The first 4 years of my primary education I went to 'Steinerskolen' in Hamar/Norway, which is a private school with emphases on anthropology and creativity. It might be here I developed my interest for painting, drawing and to some extent writing. For the next 5 years of my primary education (barneskole & ungdomsskole) I went to public schools in Hamar and later Namsos, and by that I successfully finished my primary education.

For secondary education (videregående) I took the line for general subjects in Namsos which involved further education on the subjects covered in primary school (maths, history, fysics etc). For the second and third year of my secondary education I moved to Trondheim (Rignve Videregående Skole) and started doing media production and theory as well as the general subjects.

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After successfully graduating my secondary education I went to a private school (Folkehøyskole) in Grong taking a course in music theory and production. Here I was taught general music theory (arrangement, composition etc), as well as given some experience in being a studio technician and live performer. The folkehøyskole is a strictly Norwegian phenomenon, and is something many teenagers do after finishing secondary or primary school. In a folkehøyskole you learn about your chosen subject in a relaxed environment where the social agenda is highly prioritised. As well as learning about your chosen field everyone also gets to learn about philosophy, or as the school I went to labelled itself 'exploring the meaning of life'.

I have currently finished my bachelor degree on University of Sunderland, and have received a overall class 2:1 mark. The course I took was Art, Media and Design: Media Productin (television and radio), which involved a big block of practical media production around a core of theoretical modules. During my 3 years at the university, I've been involved in 5 television programs for the most part as camera and sound, 4 video projects with the roles sound and lights and director and editor, 6 radio programs live and edited in the roles directing and reporter and tech-op and editor, and also 3 web-design and multimedia projects. Usually the projects where I either worked alone or were director went best and received the best marks. On top of all this practice where core modules in media and cultural studies, as well as film history and analysis.


© Michael Flack