dead professional
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Dead Professional:
This documentary film started off under the working title "The Last Beautiful", but the title changed as we saw the potential of a framing even more interesting. We originally thought about angling it around the beauty fixation in society today, and how we even beautify dead bodies, questioning if this might illustrate our fixation perhaps to the level of obscenity.
A dead foot
What we were aiming for in pre-production was a video essay style with human interest aspects incorporated, learning to know people in the industry and their thoughts and perception of death working with it every day.

However as the production went on we realised that the human interest aspect proved itself to be more interesting then we previously had anticipated. We found that businesses that deal with death are rather shrouded in mystery for most people, and the people working in this industry quite often to a certain degree due to misconceptions in society is being perceived as being less emotionally capable. Or to put it differently, as death is something most people do not want to deal with or think about before absolutely necessary, people choosing to work with it every day are perceived as a tad weird.

The documentary addresses how society deals with death through accounts from people in the industry, also letting them tell us how they themselves see their line of work and how they deal with the same issues. Our aim to lift the lid on these professions and hopefully giving accounts against these misconceptions, giving people a privileged view into the life of professions dealing with death.
The actual production phase ran into various problems for various reasons, some of which I will not go into detail about here. In general to find willing contributors proved to be more difficult the previously anticipated. Some who were previously enthusiastic about the project pulled out as they seemed afraid of being portrayed in a less favourable light, due to other documentary productions on this field being very critical and partly negative.
A coffin ready to be cremted
We ended up having to scrap a lot of the footage we shot early on in the production, and most of the footage actually featuring in the documentary was actually filmed at the ending stages of the production and post-production phase.

However problematic this production turned out to be, we managed to pull it all together and create half an hour worth of documentary. Still this production could have benefited a lot having less problems during the actual production phase, as the documentary is largely based on talking head interviews due to problems getting filming permission 'behind the scenes' in respect of the families involved. Hence we hope that our audiences will be compelled to watch more for the human interest aspect.

The title music for this production, which I have written, as available on the MP3s section - Mysteries of Death.

Directed by:
John Begley

Produced by:
Marie Kennedy

Camera & Edit by:
James Harper

Music & Sound by:
Michael Flack

Secondary Camera:
Yi Huang

Narrated by:
Tom Fidler


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© Michael Flack